Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What Do you and Tiger Woods Have in Common?

Can we really split our individual life from our business? According to internet guru Gary Vaynerchuk you can't. These days, it’s just a bitter hard reality that every body is their very own branding outlet and more than capable to broadcast everything they need to everyone at large through the internet. You can connect with thousands of fans just by sending out a tweet! See @MichaelBesson

Nowadays everything you do and everything you tweet is basically out in the open until digital death do you part. Yes, someday your children's children will be able to scrutinize your personal life online!

So, if we are saying one thing and doing another, sooner or later you’re going to get called out on it.

Unlike a number of politicians that can retain their people for a couple, four or seven years despite their irrational personal lives, the foundations of real business are a bit distinct. For our private brands to have substance, they have to be consistent with our personal life.

It can be risky to build an individual identity around a specific reputation or persona that may not be enthusiastic or capable to live up to that brand.

That’s never to say that you can't still do things right and now have some demented wacko write about you everywhere concerning something totally untrue (its happened to me.) But it does suggest that in today’s digital business environment ultimately, how you show up consistently over time and over the internet will eventually prevail.

If you are straightforward, operate with integrity and present followers a heavy value proposition that should show up over time. Contrarily, in case you’re schlepping garbage and attempting to create a quick buck, the digital world will nail you when it does, it’s big game over!

That is why when individuals like Elliot Spitzer or Tiger Woods get uncovered we feel disappointed and let down. It’s as if we had bought an upscale product only to find out that it doesn’t perform as marketed.

It was once that business was business and what we did in our individual life was private, but in the age of individual branding and social media, business is personal. So what’s the answer? Do things correctly, play the sport to win but play the game to provide a lot more than you get in return. Sort out how to offer someone a $1,000 of value for $100 and folks will write your ticket to success.

Michael Besson is known as a key note speaker, life-long entrepreneur and the creator of He serves start up and emerging companies with strategic planning and business development.  Since 1994, Michael has delivered bleeding edge online & offline marketing, consulting services for clients nationwide. For further information on Michael or his online / offline marketing strategies, email

Targeted Marketing Strategies... And Golf!

I love golf! Well, I call it golf, most of the people that watch me play it call it comedy. One of the things I love about it most is how many business and life lessons come out of the game. Ok, Michael, how are you going to tie in turn around management or targeted marketing strategies with golf?

You see most people in America have heard the name Ben Hogan but few know the story behind the man. I mean I heard of him before I played but it was only recently that I learned something about him that has given me one of life's little treasures.. (A lesson)

What most people may not know is
"to quote the late Paul Harvey" the rest of the story.

Ben Hogan was born to a flat broke family in Stephenville, Texas. He was born as a baby boy in a family of three to Chester and Clara Hogan. His father was his idol, even though his father leaved a little bit to be desired. In reality little Ben never left his daddy's side.

Sadly, in 1922, when Hogan was 9, his father Chester committed suicide in the family home by a self-inflicted gunshot to the chest right in front of Ben. This experience shaped Ben in a way that's hard to describe.

Lesson Number One! Pain happens in life! People die, spouses leave you, friends you love betray you but the real question for successful people in business is what do you do with your pain?

Does it make you or break you?

The first thing
I do with pain is forgive the person that caused the pain and man oh man that can be a full time job in and of itself.

The second thing I do is "shape the pain"..

I used to live in Hawaii and there's a whole industry there based on how good you can shape a surf board, turning it from a worthless piece of fiberglass to  the ultimate wave shredding machine

How do I shape the pain? WITH THE WORDS I USE to describe it.

For me, I get passionate and determined when things go wrong. I move to SERIOUS creativity when I'm hit with the proverbial dodo. I use words like Focused and Passionate which create a NEW SET of emotions which cause me to end up better off no matter what hits me.

Let me say it this way.

I went through a period of life being sick for 6 + years. In fact I was in bed roughly 18 months out of the whole thing. What did I do about it? I shaped the experience with the most powerful words I could use at the time like;

"since I have all this time on my hands this is a great time to learn, I'm going to hit the research button on targeted marketing strategies, management leadership and turnaround methods!"

I studied successful businesses, I wrote business plans from bed, I turned my executive life coaching background (thank you Tony Robbins) into a marriage crisis package. I'd have clients that were ready to divorce that day, I'd get out of bed, counsel them back into wholeness and when they'd leave, I'd go back to bed.

Lesson number one again:
Life isn't what happens to you, it's how you frame and what you do with it that matters..

Lesson Two from Ben Hogan "Tenacity"

His early years as a pro would have stopped many a good man in their tracks! HOW FAST DO YOU GIVE UP?

To the golf aficionados, Ben Hogan was the best golfer of his time and to this very day he still stands as one of the greatest ever.

Yet this man went broke more than once following his passion. Hey, so have I! And check this out, he didn't even win his first pro tournament until March 1940. Here he is one of the greatest of all time and it took over a decade to land his first victory! Hogan's wife Valerie believed in him, and without her he may have never even fixed this crazy hook that held him back for TEN FULL YEARS.

Lesson number three by the way:
Do you have people around you that believe in you?

Lesson number four" EVERYONE HAS SET BACKS

Ben Hogan won 63 professional golf tournaments from 1938 to 1959 despite his career's being interrupted by a small inconveniences like World War II and a tragic auto accident.
After the war Ben Hogan and his wife Valerie survived a head-on collision with a Greyhound bus. There's an elite group of people; the ones that hit a greyhound head on and lived!

Want a definition of a real man?
Mere millisecond before the head on collision with the bus, Ben Hogan threw himself across his wife's lap in a successful attempt to save her life while be willing to give up his own life in return.

At age 36 Ben Hogan is sitting there with a double-fracture pelvis, a fractured collar bone, one ankle fracture, a fractured rib not to mention near-fatal blood clots. His doctors told him he may never walk again, let alone think about playing professional golf. Ben had other plans as he left the hospital on April Fools day, 59 days after the horrible accident.
Ben's a legend but this is about you right now. Think about how much you can do with these powerful business lessons all around the game I love "golf'..

1. Pain Happens,
get over it and get on with it by forgiving everyone around you that caused it. You've caused some too and you know it, FORGIVE!

2. Tenacity.
Never, never, never give up! Winston Churchill October 29, 1941

3. The company you keep can make you or break you,
but ONLY you get to decide who they are!

4. Everyone has setbacks,
quit thinking yours are special. Deal with them head on and use every set back like the pulling of a bow when you're shooting an arrow. The further they pull you down the further you're going to up, the second they slip and let you soar.

Look, I've had insane romantic relationships vow to end my days on earth, write horrible things about me that were untrue; yet today I have the wife of my dreams with young children that love and respect me and the women I'm thinking of at the moment are still living in pain and single to boot. Not happy about their state, just telling it like it is.

In my artist management days, I've worked with the most eccentric celebrities who's ego got in the way so I walked away at the top of mine and their game.

Score card, many of them are gone and I'm still standing. I've had virtually crazy business partners that made my life a living hell, all these years later, I'm still standing and they're not.

Look this isn't about me or Ben Hogan; actually, it's ALL about you. I didn't share some of my history to impress you but to impress upon you that you that I'm just your everyday  person and if I can do this you CAN DO THIS TOO!

It's all a matter of how you play the game. The game of life and business that is.. So there you have it. I just gave you four targeted marketing strategies / life lessons that can you take you "personally" to the next level. When you "personally" go to the next level, your business follows, that's leadership management, that's winning the game and that's how it happens my friends.

Michael Besson is known as a key note speaker, life-long entrepreneur and the creator of He serves start up and emerging companies with strategic planning and business development.  Since 1994, Michael has delivered bleeding edge online & offline marketing, consulting services for clients nationwide. For further information on Michael or his online / offline marketing strategies, email